September 29, 2009


Sorry for this second email, but I just couldn't let the typos go uncorrected. Ironic, don't you think, given the content? :)

"Impeccability is to do your best in whatever you’re engaged in." Don Juan Matus, to don Carlos Castaneda.

Be impeccable today.

Remember, expansion is your natural state.


"Impeccability is to do your best in whatever you’re engaged in." Don Juan Matus, to Don Carlos Castenada.

Be impeccable today.

Remember, expansion is your natural state.

September 22, 2009


A subscriber writes:

Your tenacity note comes as I struggle with my frustration at the lack of creative flow. I have picked up my beading, and am challenged to let it flow. But I want it to look like the pictures in the book, which of course it doesn't.

Thanks for the timely reminder that I am blocking my flow by whining about it, judging it, and doubting it. Is it any wonder my flow is a trickle?

Remember, expansion is your natural state.

September 15, 2009


I hear people insist that they must be perfect. I hear them lament that they aren't perfect. I see them give up trying because perfection is so elusive. I hear them compare themselves with others who are more perfect, who's lives are more perfect. Then I hear them despair because others are perfect and they're not.

People believe that they must be perfect in order to be loved. Maybe so.

But how are we to know what perfection is? I remember that we are beings in bodies on this planet Earth. Not only are we on Earth, we are of Earth -- we are made of the same stuff as our awesome, perfect planet. And how is Earth perfect? What is perfection on Earth? Expansion, growth, mistakes, change, chaos, movement, destruction, evolution, renewal.

So yes, go ahead and be perfect. Be as perfect as Earth.

Remember, expansion is your natural state.

September 8, 2009


The degree to which you are undefended is the degree to which you can experience life as an adventure. What are your defenses?

(Hint: we've already talked about one -- expectation.)

Remember, expansion is your natural state.

September 1, 2009


How many of us give ourselves permission to become the one we suspect we are capable of being?

In 1954, Alan Ginsberg was living a comfortable middle class life in San Francisco. He had a high paying job in market research and an upscale apartment. But he was not happy. His therapist asked him what he wanted to do, and he said he wanted to quit -- quit the job, the tie, the suit, the apartment on Nob Hill and "get a room with Peter, and devote myself to writing and contemplation, to Blake and smoking pot, and doing whatever I wanted." He did. Then he wrote his masterpiece, "Howl."

Remember, expansion is your natural state.