May 31, 2011


What do you think about as you fall asleep? Or do you think? Maybe you count sheep. Maybe you fall asleep the second your head hits the pillow. Maybe you listen to music.

Me, I have tended to ruminate about things that bother me and that I can do little about -- anti-gay hate speech in the MInnesota legislature, a restaurant owner who openly takes his workers' tips, stuff like that.

Then one night I decided it was foolish to ruminate on such things, especially while I'm falling asleep. I decided I would rather fall asleep thinking about things I appreciate. "Count your blessings instead of sheep." Besides, there happens to be a great cause for appreciation lying right next to me.

I rarely remember dreams, but the first night of appreciation I had many dreams that I remembered. And so it has continued. When I fall asleep within the energy of appreciation, I remember my dreams. When I slip and return to negative ruminating, I have no sense of having dreamed.

The other thing I notice is that I fall asleep fast when I am appreciating. But I can lie there for a long time before I sleep when I'm ruminating about troublesome things.

What energy do you fall asleep in?

Spring in the north country is a beautiful green thing. I'm glad to be in Duluth!

May 24, 2011


A reader writes this about wonder. I call it Love Invites Wonder.

I took a couple extra days off this week, and each day I walked around Lake Nokomis.
I love that lake.

Well, the first day, I saw 2 orioles. What breathtakingly beautiful birds, and their song is also striking. The orioles put me in a field of wonderment.

The next day, hoping I would see them again, I went back to the lake. Not only did I see orioles (more this day), but two foxes close by the Lake.
I have never seen a fox in real life before.

The third day I went back, no foxes, no orioles, what, I wondered, can I be in awe about?
Then I began to just look around. But truly look. And all of a sudden the trees became so alive and it felt like the bark was made of layers and layers of dimensions.

Words can not express it.

May 17, 2011


One week, while I was still in Texas, I decided that I would practice wonder. I enjoyed wonder; it made for a delightful week.

Then I saw a Luna Moth. Oh the wonder! That moth was the most exquisitely beautiful thing I have ever seen.

Did my practice of wonder have something to do with me seeing that moth? I mean, was my practice of wonder somehow involved with that moth landing where it did? With it staying there the entire day? With me taking a walk in that direction? With that woman calling me over to see it? Was that perfect convergence of events a benefit of my practicing wonder?

May 11, 2011


Practice something today.

Pick one thing, one thing you don't usually practice, and practice it every day this week.

Here are some items from my list of things to practice: wonder, appreciation, smile (especially when no one else is around), awe, emanate love.

May 3, 2011


Are you taking 15 minutes every day to do intentional breathing? I know I've neglected the Breath and Water Club, but I hope you haven't neglected your breath and water practice. It makes a difference. It makes a difference in your day, and it makes a difference in your life. You know it does.

If you've drifted away, return. 15 minutes of intentional breathing twice a day. 15 minutes of appreciating your breath, enjoying your breath, loving your breath. And 8 glasses of water every day.

Write to me please. Tell me how you're doing with your Breath and Water practice.